Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Isle is full of noises review

The Isle is Full of noises was a sound installation by Michael Century, it was based of the work of Shakespeare - The Tempest. Before entering, we were given an introduction on a piece of paper of what it was related to and the words used in this sound installation. The words of Caliban and Miranda - characters in the play - were used in this piece and it was set in an imaginary tropical island.

Upon entering the dark room. I saw areas to sit down and i started to hear noise coming from the other side of the room. It varied in volume, time and speed. I first sat down in a far corner of the room and the the sound as a whole, as it moved across the room with the sound system that was made at EMPAC. However, that distance merged the sounds together, making it seem that it was time that was causing that effect. When I learnt that sound was actually travelling through the sound system across the room, i finally understood it better.

I then moved with the speakers of the room, and could hear how each sound travelled and how you get impacted from the sounds in different part of the speakers. The sounds were light, very atmospheric and it brought me back to nature, give a calming sense washed over me. when the words of Caliban and Miranda began to start, at first it was slightly audible, however after some time, because of how the sound broke apart, by the speakers, by time, it wasn’t very audible and it was hard to decipher to make any of it out.

It was a really interesting piece because i haven’t sat in something like this before. The software created for this piece was interesting to see how time, position, distance and correlate to one another and how it impacts the listener. I enjoyed this lovely piece and got to listen to something new that day!

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